Friday, August 26, 2005


Interesting if true...

Zagreb. Five people were arrested on 3rd July in Zagreb with arms and explosives. They are allegedly involved with a terrorist network that planning attacks in Rome during the funeral of Pope Joan Paul II, reports the Italian “Corriere della Sera”. According to the publication that was found out during the joint investigation of the Italian and the Croatian secret services. The alleged five men were connected with the extremist network Gornia Maoka* in Eastern BiH.

*I remember reading something about a place with a similar sounding name. Basically a bunch of 'foreign fighters' had run all the Serbs out of this village in Eastern BiH and under Dayton they were supposed to leave. It was very difficult for the government to run them out. The local Muslims didn't really like these people because life got a LOT stricter too.
The thing about these foreigners is that because of the arms embargo, the Bosnians needed help and they took help from places they would rather not have, because they HAD to have help. The arms embargo ended up worsening the situation. It gave a foothold to people we'd rather not have in Europe.

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