Saturday, June 04, 2005


Via East Ethnia

This article is from Reuters and has pictures from the video, I put it in even though East Ethnia has it because some of the people who read Yakima Gulag Literary Gazett don't read East Ethnia. There is in there a picture of the Orthodox priest I refered to in my earlier posting.

Went to Edge Fest today, spent half the day there. I have to say that on the way I was messed with by not one, but THREE different Dogs. I hollered for the humans to come get their 'God damn dogs off the street!' This didn't get any of the damned irresponsible owners out. Maybe they were ashamed. They should be ashamed, not only do their dogs annoy me when I'm trying to get someplace but the dogs themselves are at risk of being injured by cars or other dogs or annoyed passers by. I'm considering getting a water pistol and loading it up with Tabasco, like the hottest form of Death Sauce going and see how long the dogs care to be a pain in the dupa.

Edge Fest was cool, I have gone the last two years now and had a nice time. I know you don't think a granny would like Punk Rock but I'm a BBB, Badass Balkans Baka, so I like Punk rock, although the Christian Punk Rock sounded FAR more 'diabolical' than the real Punk Rock! My favorite bands are USS Party, which I missed this year :( and Optimus Rhyme which I did get to hear, they are fantastic! I love their theme, it's kind of like MCHawking, Nerds With Attitude!
Right there I love it!I hear some RussPop, and Turbofolk influences and of course Rap. Anyway they are a great band, and bound for glory.

I love that the campus and the student body put something like this on, Edge Fest is a fundraiser for Northwest Harvest, they get donations of canned and non perishable foods this way, and that is a good thing, people do need that help, I've been helped by food banks in the past, and I look at helping like that as a very important thing to do. A lot of people fall through the cracks in our social safety net, so it's important to have organizations like Northwest Harvest,and another thing, there aren 't really enough safe activities for young people in the Yakima Gulag, so this is good from that point of view, there were lots of young people out enjoying the music and the Halo 2 tournament. That is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.

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