Sunday, June 12, 2005


Recent Mass Grave find in BiH

This is a particularly sad mass grave find as children and pregnant women were in there. I felt sorry for the forensic scientists who had to deal with this. Of course for anyone who followed the news from Guatamala in the 1980s this wasn't anything new.
It makes me very sad to read of such things and very angry, especially when I know the perpetrators and those who ordered these things are still for the most part at liberty and to know that even some of the imprisoned lead better lives matierially than I do, and I live in America. I think at least the imprisoned should not be afforded things like hair dressers, stables, jacuzzi baths like Plavsic gets in her 'prison' in Sweden. Justice cannot REALLY be done to these people, so the least that could happen is that they not matierially be significantly more comfortable than prisoners in their countries of origin. These are crimes that constitute a fair argument for the death penalty.

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