Monday, June 27, 2005


Protest in the Gulag

A few of us got together to protest Doc Hasting's behavior in the House Ethics Committee.
This was downtown by his office, and had decent media coverage. I avoid talking to the media now, nothing personal, just that others say things better than I do wometimes. Representative Hastings is really too close to Rep Tom Delay to do an objective investigation. The whole thing has gotten ugly.
Quite a surpriseing number of people honked and waved in support of us.
It will make two TV stations, it was on the radio here, and perhaps it will make the paper.

Then the person who gave me a ride home helped me go to Bi-Mart where I bought potting soil for my tomato plant and my rose plant. They both seriously need repotting. I did the tomato first. I hope there isn't too much transplant shock, I used a leaky plastic ice cream container for it. I will find something to put the little rose in and then do it tomorrow. The other plants don't need replanting but I'm thinking of putting some garlic that has sprouted in a pot, where it can grow and be harvested sometimes.

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