Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Private property a dead letter in the U.S. as is the right to sue police for failing to enforce a Protection Order

Cities which take people's land and don't even fairly compansate them have been already in this country the occasion of the rare but nasty armed stand-off.
What really annoys me about life here is that these sorts of things happen and the people here just sort of mindlessly adapt to the new reality and move on. Maybe there is such a thing as being TOO 'civilized'! Collectiveization in the Soviet Union was denounced heavily in the books in every public school I attended, but here we have the same thing now in the U.S. ! The government now has the right to take your private property for not only common good type purposes, which sometimes is very necessary, but it can do the same thing for COMMERCIAL purposes!
I had a number of friends comment on this and all I acan say is if you hate Big Government, you have to equally hate Big Business, and Big Agriculture because both these things make Big Government inevitable.

I know another thing, in a real country the people wouldn't just be pissed off about it, they'd be doing something like demanding the Supreme Court all be examined regularly for senile dementia and Alzheimers and removed from the bench when they reach a state of incompetence!

On the not enforceing Protection, Restraining, Peace or No Contact Orders not being a cause to sue the police, that totally is disgusting. I hope lots of abused women go buy guns and shoot their abusers when their abusers come around! I hope they shoot them between the legs and let them bleed to death.

Then when the police come the woman should say 'Well since you didn't come and it was my life or his I took the only logical action. You are responsible, you didn't bust him when I called you and I can't sue you so well this was my only option. Self defense still exists and the right to bear arms still exists.'

I experienced spousal abuse. The restraining order was almost useless then because visitation rights tend to really weaken the concept anyway, but it was something, at least he didn't have the right to be around when it wasn't his visiting day!

The fact I could get even that nearly useless level of justice probably saved my ex-husband's life. I considered killing him and my mother considered killing him. There was a day she almost did it.

You men out there that like to beat on women, think about this, that Protection Order is for you a life saver. If it didn't exist, some of you jerks would instead be dead!

Not that any of us would miss you all or cry for you all!

The function of Justice in a society is above all to prevent violence even when violence might be justified. It is to give an alternative.

When there isn't that, and when there is no protection of the rights of property, then there is neither Law nor Justice.

It's not like there's no female Justices who should understand this issue, there's Justice Sandra Day O'Conner and Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. Both of them ought to realize what this does. I have not heard of any dissenting opinion in this case. If soemeone has heard I'd like to know.

Now we have NO justification to say bugger all about the legal situation of women or property rights in Afghanistan or Iraq or Iran because now American women's rights have just slid below the standard of all three of those countries. So for that matter have property rights!

Maybe when this country is reduced to a bunch of landless people involved in vendettas, the Justices will see the error of these two stupid,horrible decisions.

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