Friday, May 20, 2005


still feeling rotten...

Just logging on to let my friends know I'm alive but not well. Monday I can go to the clinic. I have really stuffy ears now, and can barely talk. There was more rain and it was my misfortune to be stuck in it. The site for my classes wasn't working and I needed my homework it wasn't on yesterday for one class because the instructor was ill. I feel for her if she has anything like what I have!
It did not help my foul mood that nothing I entered in Prism was selected. I got the usual smarmy rejection letter. It pissed me off that it came from Grandview. Back when the Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higher Re:Education had a paper, the late lamented 'Galaxy' the Grandview crowd NEVER seemed capable of following the instructions on how to format articles, what the by line should be like etc. I used to have to fix their bad grammer too. If it is bad enough that anything I do is an improvement well.....then those people are in trouble. The Grandview bunch often keep the work of people from the Yakima Gulag out of the Prism. It's a consistant thing. I would NOT mind it so much if the work that they backed had any real merit. There is going to be the usual collection of odes to Teenaged Angst. Teenaged Angst is NOT poetry, neither are preachments about 'gettin outta the thuglife' I mean damn that's a subject of a good rant or a good lecture but NOT a poem. I burned early work of mine that had the least whiff of Teanaged Angst. Yes I have commited Poetic Abortion! I FAVOR Poetic Abortion! Only good work should be in print. I deliberately sent one poem I didn't think was as good as the rest just to see if it got in. It probably was too good to go in the Prism. Oh well. Some good work will get in. At least that much. I will look forward to the rare good work, I will clap for it, and delight in it and wince at the bad stuff that wasn't really good enough to be in there.
That stuff happens in Community College settings, people who turn in work which really isn't technically, artistically, or emotionally sound get in. Sometimes it appears to be political but then I'm not sure about that.

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