Thursday, May 05, 2005


Sretan Pet Svibaje! Feliz Cinco De Mayo!

On this day Mexican forces in the city of Puebla defeated the French, thus ending the pretensions of Europe in Mexico.
Maximillian Emperor of Mexico, a Hapsburg was executed by fireing squad.
In Maximillian's defence, he loved Mexico and tried to be of help. He was probably not the worst ruler, but he was not the choice of the Mexican people.
Another thing, as an American, I am grateful to the Mexican people, because this defeat kept us from haveing the Hapsburg empire in the New World.
In the Western states of the U.S., where there are large numbers of Mexicans, Americans mark this day too. Americans and Mexicans liveing in the U.S. helped financially and with supplies of arms. Even some Americans fought in defence of Mexico at that time, not many but some.
the reason the Monroe Doctrine wasn't invoked at the time of the arrival of Maximillian Von Hapsburg, was due to the American Civil War.
What does all this have to do with the Balkans? you might ask... A lot of people of Croatian origin arrived in Mexico with Maximillian and Carlota, Some were military officers and personel, Carlota had at least a few people in her service who were Croats as well.

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