Saturday, May 14, 2005


News you don't get elsewhere! Check it out!

OK corrections, NPR and the local services for news broadcasting did not run this story, BUT it was covered elsewhere in the U.S. media, just not locally for some reason.... Also the archive at HRT is where to find what I put in here, in full. It's not accessable today and the old link won't work. I did send it to the Art Bell show since they cover a lot about volcanos and stuff. Given that I slept hard I don't know if it got covered there or not. I'm still haveing chills and fever. I now have a cough too. So I'm going to lie down again.

Here's some news you don't get someplace else if you don't read Croatian, I bet this isn't even on Art Bell, unless I like 'Fastblast' him. I think I will just cuz. So here is the story straight from HRT.


14. svibnja - Vulkan Fernandina proradio je jučer popodne, a velika količina izbačene lave i pepela prijeti uništenjem ionako skromne vegetacije i životinjskog svijeta na otočju Galapagosu.

Otočje pripada Ekvadoru i jedno je od najvažnijih prirodnih rezervata na svijetu te stanište brojnih iguana, morskih lavova i pingvina za čiji su se opstanak nakon erupcije Fernandine zabrinuli ekolozi. Fernandina se nalazi na najudaljenijem, nenaseljenom otoku arhipelaga, a od 1813. erumpirao je više od 20 puta.

Stručnjaci procjenuju da će lava, ako vulkan nastavi erumpirati, dosegnuti obale otoka za pet dana. Jednu od erupcija Fernandine opisivao je i najpoznatiji posjetitelj Galapagosa Charles Darwin, koji je 20 godina proveo na arhipelagu radeći na svojoj teoriji postanka vrsta i prirodne selekcije. (H/tv)

The volcano Ferdinanda threw out lava and ash, it destroyed some low lying vegetation. This is a fairly active volcano.
Anyway now I just beat NPR and Art Bell getting something out to people who speak English, it's kind of cool now that I think about it.

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