Monday, May 30, 2005


More Muzika for your enjoyment

This is mostly Bosnian music but they are known to play Ceca and Zorica, right now they have Deen on, he's rather enjoyable. Ceca is like Thompson, someone who'se politics are annoying and obnoxious but she can sing. I have to confess to a likeing for Deen, Jasam Vjetar Zaljubjeni is nice, very mellow sound. I have been a big Zorica fan since my first trip to BiH, I loved her wacked sureal music videos. Besides she's really very pretty.

Other good news, the city isn't going to have fun with me. I managed to organize the lawn getting mowed, and now the junk pile is also going bye-bye! The guys are comeing tomorrow to do that job, and I can pay them. This is going to be a good thing. I will be glad to see the last of it.
other great news, my son-in-law's finger is doing ok since the operation. He's changeing jobs too, something he's wanted for a long time. I am really glad about that. He really has wanted that change.

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