Monday, May 02, 2005


Dubrovnik Galleons to sail again!

This is too cool! the Galleons from Dubrovnik will sail again! I love it! These were marvel, and it's lovely to think of such ships again. The sailors from Dubrovnik were among the best. Incidentally I talked to an Indian guy who is a sailor. He spoke highly of Croatian ship engineers, he said and I quote 'They are even better than Scottish ships engineers, very very good!'
Fixed the stupid linx. It was an ugly cage match with Proffessor Teenytiny, I beat him over the head with a chair and then stomped on his buddy the Pencil Necked Geek!
I have the method of setting up linx backed up elsewhere.
Insect Life in the Gulag:
There is a gigantowasp in my room. At first I saw it and thought it was a spider, then it kind of flew so I knew it wasn't a spider. I don't much care for wasps. They are a pain.
I'm still suffering a migraine, and have to do my midterms in Codeing. I have longed to quit school for the last year to be honest, but I can't. I have to see it through now. No word from my daughter. She's probably still in pain. I don't want to pester her.

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