Thursday, May 12, 2005


The Best Kept Secret at the Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higher Re:Education..

The People's Clinic at the college is a good deal. I had to use it today because I have not felt quite well for some time. So I went in to just make sure nothing too serious was going on. I have had a lot of headaches and my ear hasn't felt right and I have had fever and chills on and off for a couple weeks but it got way worse after I got drenched Monday, we had big rain here and I got stuck out in it like a lot of other folks. Anyway it's been all I can do to keep up with my school stuff.
The clinic is great, it's not expensive which is important if you are a student. They have an open house Thursday the 19th. Joe Bob says check it out!

Hope you will be well soon.
Thanks, they don't know what's wrong with me. I wonder if it's mono, except whatever it is I had the same thing last summer for a shorter time. I didn't go to the doctor for lack of money, the clinic at school is cheap and takes people who lack insurance. I am so grateful for that clinic! Even if they couldn't do anything or figure out what exactly is wrong, It was kind of a relief to know i'm not just imagineing this. I will mention some things to test for when I see them again, I have to go in for a check on my blood pressure. It was a little high. Of course I had walked rapidly while feeling feverish across the campus to get there so perhaps that has something to do with that reading. They are being careful of me so that's good.
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