Thursday, April 07, 2005


ReEducation in the People's Gulag Institute of Higher ReEducation

Yes some zeks have trouble even being re:educated. The zeks who were in trouble with the process needed to attend a self criticism meeting and sign a paper promiseing better behavior. your editor especaily appreciated the story by our Comrade Katjusha B. The gist of it was a zek at a self criticism meeting said 'I guess I just can't smoke so much dope and also be a good student in re:education!' This in response to a zek who said he simply had to be less of a 'lazy slacker' (his words not mine!)
the process could have been a lot worse. Comrade Katjush B. gave the talk about how to improve oneself.

LAST NIGHT: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS HITS: We had a really good lecture on studies of people in what now is called 'The Sex Industry' More later, I promise. Everyone got politically corrected at least once. It was a good lecture by a lecturer from outside the gulag. Mostly we sat admireing her beautiful turquise and malachite jewelry. We appreciate when women do not let being large keep them from dressing nicely. (yes bourgeoise of us but..oh well! what do you expect of people of my class who have been sent places like this!)

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