Friday, April 29, 2005


I went out with the scythe for the first time this year.

My hands are just short of blistered from the first time in the yard with the scythe. I prefer to go out very early 1. the grass is damp still from the dew which makes it easier to cut. 2. fewer people to bother me. I got just a small section of the front lawn. It was all I was up for. If I'm up for more later, fin, otherwise I'll do a bit tomorrow and a bit Sunday. I do want to knck down some of that grass, and the weeds but I don't want to break myself inthe process. I got very out of shape during the winter, because I was sick a lot with the flu. A particularly vicious and virulent variety was visited on the Gulag. So I'm actually still pretty wealk. So I will need to build up to my former routine. that's ok, I'll knock the grass down and since my son will probably be working, I may be able to hire soemone. I will hire the guy accross the street, as he will charge less than the guy I had before, and I know the guy accorss the street isn't a criminal of some sort. I've had some fairly dodgy characters want to do the lawn. I frankly trust some of the illegals over the people who were born here. Some of our born citizens are far more dangerous than the illegals, either way though, I don't feel safe permitting just anyone on my turf, and if that means the grass grows a little so sbe it. Last night I rested and listened to some Makedonian music on streaming. That was nice. I like Makedonian music a lot.
This morning my daughter e-mailed to let me know she's on Vicodan, Demerol and Darvon for pain relief. She was feeling a little disoriented and woke up early. I guess she's about what would be expected for someone burned that bad. My little gradn daughter said her mom looked like a mummy.

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