Saturday, March 12, 2005


Marvelous Music in the Gulag

The singer Laura Love came to Yakima Gulag to sing for the people, and it was right on! I guess some of the local Bush supporters didn't like her song 'I Want You Gone!' but she said 'Look you all got eight years, you can HANDLE 45 minutes!' She is a very beautiful, lively woman and had a very good band. The band were white, she is a bi-racial person and she talked about some of the things that go on for bi-racial people growing up. Copies of her CDs and her book 'You Ain't Got No Easter Clothes were available to purchase, and she signed books. Being a broke student I couldn't buy a book or a CD but I did go ahead and say 'Hi' to her. When good singers come to our Gulag, it is important to let them see our appreciation.
Spring Quarter is almost over and I have one more final. I'm tired, and feel fluish. I have to go look and see what is going on in East Ethnia, a favorite blog, since Gordy and I share an affection for the region of the world called the Balkans. Personally I like the name Illirija better.

Ilirija is good, claimed by a lot of people of course. Freedonia is nice, too...

I'm sorry to say that East Ethnia will not be updated much at all for a couple of weeks. The good news is that we are off (everyone but the dog, he is staying with a family of much larger retrievers) for a trip involving a little work for me and a lot of visiting for everyone. We should be back at the end of March, and with any luck I will have something new to say by then.

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