Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Excitement in the Yakima Gulag People's Institute of Higher Re:Education!

The Official Organ of the State, namely the Yakima Herald republic printed two, not one but two articles in the section known as Unleashed, by former staffers at the Galaxy, the Yakima Gulag People's Institution of Re:Education's news paper. I personally worked on that paper and it was a wonderful experience. I was very sad it went away.
Now there is a small possibility it will come back! It is a matter of joy to all the Zeks who were so dedicated to publishing the paper.
Donna Buse and Rachel Thompson each wrote excellent articles, and it brought back for Donna Buse and myself fond, fond, memories. The likeliehood is strong that it will be online only but even that is better than nothing, it will give people valuable experience. I plan to go to the meeting which is April 7, 12:30 in the Tech Center.

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