Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Vagina Monolouges

Tonight, I went to the film of the Vagina Monologues, which was the same film they showed on HBO. It was very good. Most of the audience was female, quite a few people from Ellensburg. One of the women interviewed by the author was Bosnian and was raped during the war. That particular section was hard when I saw the play, and it wasn't easier seeing it in the film. One brief clip showed the river that goes through Sarajevo. There is a particular day that they remember the people who died in a peace demonstration just before the war stsrted. People were throwing flowers into the river. They as well showed a brief shot of a typical small village in the middle of nowhere BiH. As the people there say 'Vukojebina' which means 'place where wolves f***' She showed picures of some of the women who had been in the rape camps. You could tell these women and girls experienced something evil just looking at their faces. The author felt the same kind of outrage I did at the time, and she actually went over there before the war was over and talked to some of these women and girls. This took a lot of guts then. She also did not depend entirely on herself to communicate the things she wrote, but relied a little on the film, and the pictures. She did it very well. This was a part of the film that I wish our local drama students had a chance to see before doing the show.

It was interesting to compare the film to our local production. Actually looking back the local production of the Vagina Monologues was very well cast and very well acted. The portion called 'Flood' was particularly well cast locally. The woman was like a few women I know who have worked in fruit warehouses. That is cool, because this person really did a good job of sounding like an older woman.
This was for me an excellent illustration of how a play takes shape, in the author's hands and then in other hands. Different ways of seeing the same idea.
'The Little Coochie-snorfer that Could' was actually better in the local production, there was a young Black girl who did it to perfection, there was nothing wrong with the film, just that I liked those two local things better.

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